Nothing fishy here.
Omega fatty acids are necessary for maintaining health. These compounds cannot be produced by the body and must be consumed in the diet.* There are many omega supplements on the market, but Kenzen Omega Green + DHA is different—vegetable-derived, with none of the drawbacks posed by other products. The drawback with typical omega supplements is that they are derived from fish oils. Toxic materials are increasingly being reported in various species that are used. Potentially dangerous levels of heavy metals and other contaminants have been measured.
• Omega fatty acids support healthy heart, brain nerve and eye function. They help maintain cardiovascular health. They support digestive health and hormone balance, cellular membranes in skin, heart and brain. Omega acids also are believed to reduce periodic sleeplessness and carbohydrate cravings.*
• Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils have been identified as being especially important. An omega supplement must offer all three of these oils to be of greatest value.
• Harvesting fish for their omega-rich oils is not environmentally sound because this may not be a sustainable resource. Overfishing is severely depleting the available stock.
• There are other problems regarding this source of omega acids. Processing required in deriving omega from fish oils results in oxidation, which diminishes the amount of omega acids available. This also hastens the spoilage of this material, affecting shelf life.
• In contrast, the source material for Kenzen Omega Green + DHA, cranberry seed oil, flax seed oil and red algae, is easily renewable.
• As an added measure, Kenzen Omega Green + DHA is emulsified in a proprietary process that encapsulates the active ingredients in fiber. This forms a protective barrier that not only guards against oxidation but serves to control the rate of absorption.*
• Kosher and vegan certified, gluten free.
Take three (3) capsules daily.
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